The Hollyburn Sailing Club has seen the launch of many member built boats…Nothing Social Distances you better that building a boat!!!

Crwban (pronounced ” Crew-ben”) is the Welsh name for a turtle. Land turtles are not found in Wales, but Leatherback Sea turtles frequent their shores. The backs of Leatherback turtles look a lot like the clinker planking on the pram.
Photos courtesy of Steve Britten & Rueben Schulz. Thanks Steve & Rueben!

We actually say at the club, stay an oar-length apart for the rowers, a boat width apart for the sailors and a paddle distance apart for the Kayakers and Paddle Boarders. (All of which are a little over two metres)

For the rest of the Ceremony, all attendees are poured some bubbly for toasts at appropriate times.

Builder Mike is playing bagpipe music, “Scotland the Brave” as he rolls Crwban down the ramp.Click to play launching music!
There are two parts to the ceremony…Where Crwban is given to the sea and where she is asked to return safely to the land.

Madame Commodore: For Fifty-seven years, the Hollyburn Sailing Club has seen the launching of many boats. From Sabots built in the clubhouse to vessels built in member’s homes and first set to sea here.
These boats have nurtured our members over the years and so we affectionately call them “she.” With the blessing of the Gods of the sea and the waters of the earth, they will continue to nurture and care for our sailors, paddlers and rowers in the waters of English Bay and beyond.
To our home-built boats we toast, and ask to celebrate “Crwban.” (Then everybody raises their glass filled with champagne or your favorite beverage and shouts: “TO THE ROWERS OF OLD…TO: “Crwban!” (Everybody takes a sip.)

The moods of the bay are many, from quiet and tranquil to angry and violent. We ask that the waters upon which she rows treat her kindly and that Crwban be given the strength to carry on. Her Hull is strong and she keeps out the waters of the sea.” (Again the glasses are raised, and the assemblage shouts: “TO THE SEA…To Mike Bretner and Crwban….TO THE SEA!” Everybody takes another sip.)

Today we come to name this lady, Crwban, crafted with love and care by Mike, and send her to sea to be cared for, and to care for Mike and all who row in her from the Hollyburn Sailing Club. We ask the spirits of the sailors of old and the moods of Gods of the sea and the mighty sea herself to accept Crwban as her name, to help her through her passages, and allow her to return with her crew safely. (Again, with the raising of the glasses) “TO THE SEA…TO THE SAILORS BEFORE US…TO CRWBAN” (The glasses are drained by a last, long sip by all.)

Now pour champagne over the bow to appease the gods of the sea. And brush her with cedar bows to encourage Crwban to remember the land and return from the sea with her crew, safely.
Mike, you may now launch your boat Crwban.

Crwban is sitting right on her waterlines. Just about perfect!

The top pennant is the Hollyburn Sailing Club pennant, the lower one is for the Vancouver Wooden Boat Society.

I would like to thank our Commodore, Jennifer, for her good humor in officiating at the ceremony. I would also like to thank the club members who attended and participated in the launch.

Crwban’s maiden voyage of the Solstice Row was a great success. Leaving the doom and gloom of a cloudy Ambleside and rowing into the Solstice summer sunshine was a great adventure.

I trust that Crwban will work out. Light enough to car-top easily and big enough for two.