Fitting the ¼” Maple wale, hardwood grounding skids, Brass half-round, the transom cut-out for the Torqeedo, rudder and the aft deck.

Here I am epoxying the ¼” maple plywood to the wale. Lots of epoxy and cloth, wood screws with fender washers to hold the strips down for the cure.

The brass half-round for bow and the grounding skids goes on. There are screw holes drilled about every foot, and the strips are glued down with sikaflex. I will put the screws in later.

The cuddy hatch being fitted. Still have to put the canvass decking on. You can see the removable pivot bolt for the centre board on the Starboard seat side.

Finishing touches for the rudder case, insuring a good fit. The rudder assembly pulls out by lifting the assembly forward. It stays out of the trunk by rotating it to sit on the case and soon to be installed Aft deck.

The template for the Torqeedo cut-out. I have deviated from the plans, my mizzen mast is on centre, and the motor cut-out is to starboard. In the plans, the mizzen is offset to Starboard and the motor is centred. The Torqeedo still fits with the change. When you make changes, a lot of test fitting and trying-out is required.

The motor cut-out. The Aft deck still has to allow for the motor clamps to work. Under the Aft deck will be a sealed floatation compartment.

Test fitting the Torqeedo, aft view

Test fitting the Torqeedo, looking aft. I will have to make some adjustment for the tiller handle of the Torrqeedo to fit.

Torqeedo and both masts test fitted. This gives me a great idea of the cockpit layout. The forward mast needs to be canted a little more forward, it is raked too much aft. The grey bag on the Port seat is the battery bag for the Torqeedo.

Cuddy hatches test fitted, The top hatch locks in the bulkhead one. The mast has a temporary wedge, simulating the chafing leather that it will be wrapped with.

When the Torqeedo is raised, the handle hits at the level where the Aft deck will be. You can see the motor clamps that have to be easily accessed.

Rudder and tiller fitted. Blocks on the top of the rudder assembly keep the assembly from falling through the rudder case. The tillerarm/rudder hinge was made for me by a Millwright friend. It has a set screw to adjust the height of the tiller arm.

Aft deck being fitted. The aft deck will be flush with the rudder case, epoxy and cloth on all sides. It also has support beams so the deck can be stood on.

Heat lamps to cure the epoxy on the Aft deck. I now move the hull back into the garage to stay dry. You can see the bow brass half-round rubbing strip.

Next, Canvasing and deck hand rails.